Saturday, January 24, 2009

Displaced Confessions

Video Stills from Displaced Confessions, Digital Video, 2008

Displaced Confessions is based on the transfer of traumatic experience from one person to another.  The confessions are one step removed from the individuals that have experienced them.  The project delves into issues of collective identity and disclosure of private information in public spaces.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Iraq Discussion Project

Iraq Discussion Project is a multi-faceted project created as a forum for free political expression.  A mobile booth that is similar in design to a confessional booth was a main element of the project.  This booth was taken around the San Francisco bay area in an effort to catalog the ideas of participants.  The objective of this ongoing project is to document through video the current moment in history characterized by what aspects of that history participants wish to disclose/preserve.

This component of the project consisted of participants answering the question: What would happen if the US pulled all troops from Iraq today?
Mobile Confessional Booth,
component of Iraq Discussion Project
Mission & 24th Plaza, San Francisco, 2008
Iraq Discussion Project, 2008 
Video Still

Pressed Ink

Pressed Ink #3, 2008
acrylic on glass

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pressed Ink #3 Detail,
From the Pressed Ink Series
acrylic on glass

800 Meters

More info. on this piece can be found at

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Ink Grid

Ink Grid video still
From the Trapped Ink Series

TI Stills

Video Stills and installation views, from the Trapped Ink Series

This piece can be viewed at under Video Gallery

Ink Windows

Book Sculpture